Reflect allows you to track anything and gain insights from your data.

Whether it’s your mood, symptoms, activities, events, performance, supplements, habits, or weight, Reflect offers you a high level of control to record anything you wish.

Download Reflect on App Store

Free Unlimited Custom Tracking

Unlike other apps, recording your data with Reflect is completely free; you can track as much as you’d like and you are only limited by your imagination.


See trends in your data and identify relationships between metrics.


Learn which metrics correspond most highly with anything you track. Answer questions like “Am I more productive on days I wake up earlier?” or “How does spending time outside relate to my ability to concentrate?” Read more about correlations and insights in our January 2024 Update.


Test any hypothesis imaginable about a change you’re making, such as “I think this new supplement will improve my mood” or “I think running my air purifier at night will result in better sleep.”

With experiments you can choose between multiple schedule types so that you can apply your intervention in the best way possible.

Once your experiment concludes, you’ll receive a detailed report of your results that includes statistics and plots you may share with others.

Get Started Immediately

There is no “signing up” step; just specify what your data looks like and begin recording.

Extreme Privacy

All data storage and analysis are performed locally on your device. We do not have access to your data.

Extreme Flexibility

Reflect lets you construct forms that are specifically tailored to your needs. There are no limitations such as tracking only once per day, or having only a few things to choose from.

Reflect supports various types of metrics including:

  • Numbers: for quantitative data such as hours of sleep, cups of coffee, etc.
  • Strings/Text: for qualitative data like mood, type of activity, etc.
  • Ratings: for providing ratings on a scale with custom bounds, for example, stress level from 1 to 10.
  • Number With Units: for tracking quantities with specific units like milligrams of a supplement.
  • Choices: for mutually exclusive options, like if you worked from home, in the office, or from a friend’s place.
  • Timers: for measuring duration of an activity, like meditation or exercise.

Free CSV Import

Migrate to Reflect by importing your CSV data with ease with Reflect’s form builder, enabling you to reap the benefits of Reflect’s visualizations and insights immediately. Here is a tutorial for how to use it.

Free CSV Export

There is no lock-in to Reflect. Users are free to leave at any time; we want the qualities of the app to speak for themselves and serve the parts of you that want quality and control.

Free Integrations

In Reflect, integrating your data from other sources is free. Follow our tutorial to get started.